Third-Party libraries 21


This document includes the list of third-party components and libraries which are being used by the application.

Review Criteria

The author confirms that all SOUP components are reviewed according to the following criteria:

  • the used version is a current and stable version
  • the component does not use services with communication to third countries (e.g. server in the USA)
  • the used version is still supported

List of Third-party Components

LicenseManufacturer resources (links)
AutofixtureMIT license
AutomapperMIT licenseAutoMapper
Azure.Storage.BlobsMIT license
BogusMIT license
BouncyCastle.CryptographyMIT license
CorrelateApache-2.0 licenseCorrelate
CoverletMIT license
CsvHelperDual licensing under MS-PL and Apache 2.0CsvHelper
Destructurama.AttributedApache-2.0 license
DistributedLock.RedisMIT license
Fido2MIT license
FirebaseAdminApache-2.0 license
FluentValidation. AspNetCoreApache-2.0 licenseFluentValidation.AspNetCore
GrafanaAGPLv3 license and Apache-2.0 license LICENSING
Grafana LokiAGPLv3 license and Apache-2.0 license LICENSING
MathNet.NumericsMIT license
MediatRApache-2.0 licenseMediatR
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CoreMIT license
Microsoft.Entity Framework CoreMIT licenseEF Core
Microsoft.NET.Test.SdkMIT license
Newtonsoft.JsonMIT license
NUnitMIT license
Serilog + dependent packagesApache-2.0 licenseSerilog integration for ASP.NET Core
Swashbuckle.AspNetCoreMIT licenseSwagger tools
OcelotMIT licenseOcelot
OpenIddictApache-2.0 license
OpenTelemetry + dependent packagesApache-2.0 license
Orchard CMSBSD-3-Clause licenseOrchardCMS/OrchardCore
Parquet.NETMIT license
Postgre SQLPostgreSQL licensePostgreSQL
PrometheusApache-2.0 license
PollyBSD-3-Clause licensePolly
SonarLGPL-3.0 licenseSonar dotnet
StackExchange.RedisMIT license
KubernetesApache License 2.0
xUnitApache License 2.0
SnapKitMIT licenseSnapKit
RealmSwiftApache License 2.0Realm
RxSwiftMIT LicenseRxSwift
RxCocoaMIT LicenseRxCocoa
JMMaskTextField-SwiftMIT LicenseJMMaskTextField-Swift
DGChartsApache License 2.0Charts
lottie-iosApache License 2.0lottie-io
JTAppleCalendarMIT LicenseJTAppleCalendar
TrustKitMIT LicenseTrustKit
FirebaseCoreApache License, Version 2.0FirebaseCore
FirebaseMessagingApache License, Version 2.0FirebaseMessaging
Firebase/CrashlyticsApache License, Version 2.0Firebase/Crashlytics
FirebaseAppCheckApache License, Version 2.0FirebaseAppCheck
RetrofitApache License, Version 2.0Retrofit
Kotlin SerializationApache License, Version 2.0Kotlin
OkHttpApache License, Version 2.0OkHttp
GlideApache License, Version 2.0Glide
Dots IndicatorApache License, Version 2.0Dots Indicator
MPAndroidChartApache License, Version 2.0MPAndroidChart
LottieApache License, Version 2.0Lottie
Dependency-Check-GradleApache License, Version 2.0Dependency-Check-Gradle
CalendarMIT LicenseCalendar
Database encryption frameworkBSD LicenseSQLCipher
FirebaseApache License, Version 2.0Firebase Android